Saturday, July 3, 2010

hold the applause

let's skip the introductions, for those of you who are reading this you probably know me and if you don't well then i suppose i should go in and adjust my privacy settings, oh well, i'll get around to that later.

i don't know what pushed me to create a blog site, again. i remember when i was like 13 and it was the thing to do, write blogs about pretty much nothing. hormone infused blogs about boys, shopping, and high school. good god i've come a long way. except, it's kind of sad to say i still don't think the content i could write about now-a-days could be any more riveting than say, 8 years ago. (wow, time flies when you're...growing up...)

i suppose now is a good time as ever to begin one of these things considering i'm now a college graduate in some strange limbo. i'm stuck between desperately wondering when i'll get into the graduate school of my choice, starting to work sub-parr jobs, awaiting the return of the love of my life (though, not too far off), and constantly pondering what's to become of my now 22 years of living.

i can say i've come a long way and felt like i've experience a lot, so maybe what i have to say isn' i'm mostly doing this because i'm terrible at calling people. i've decided i'm an awful phone talker. you know those woman who talk on the phone hours and hours about every little detail that's going on in their life? well, i suppose i'll do that on here and it's for all of you guys i wish i could stay in constant contact with. and yes, not even facebook is enough for me. so this is for you, all you guys i love so much :] i'm just posting what's going on in my life and if you need another website/person/blogger to stalk...just feel free to stop by.

also, i love facebook dearly but there are some things i cannot post due to the fact that i don't want everyone (and by everyone i only mean certain people) knowing my business. so feel special!

any way, i got the title of my blog interestingly enough from the beginning of Langston Hughes's poem, Dreams. what's funny is, i really don't like poetry but i can appreciate it. i say this because i read poetry for what it is, not what a teacher/professor wants it to say and that always pissed me off. usually what i got from the poem was NEVER what the poem supposedly meant. who the heck cares? i don't. but, i liked the poem and you should check it out if you don't know it. and, i'd consider myself a dreamer, so thus it worked.

i believe that is all for today!
happy early 4th!
support our troops.
love you tim.

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